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Multiple Choice
Updated over a week ago

The "Multiple Choice" interaction is a powerful tool that enables real-time audience engagement during your presentations. It allows you to create interactive polls where participants can select one or more correct answers from a list of options.

Setting Up a Multiple Choice Interaction

  1. Edit Presentation Screen: Access the "Edit Presentation" screen within StreamAlive.

  2. Interaction Selection: Choose "Multiple Choice" from the list of available interactions.

  3. Show/Hide Responses: Decide if you want to display responses in the chat as participants submit them.

  4. One Response Per Person: Enable this setting to ensure each participant can only submit one response for this specific interaction. (Note: This is different from other interactions which take the latest response)

  5. Response Prefix: Define a "response prefix" to control how participants submit their answers in the chat.

    • Only responses starting with this prefix will be counted.

    • You can have one prefix per interaction (maximum of 4 characters).

    • A prefix box will be available to enter your desired prefix.

    • The options/labels in the image will dynamically update to reflect the prefix. (e.g., with prefix "P12," options become: "P12A," "P12B," "P12C," etc.)

  6. Categories: Define categories for your options to help organize and analyze the responses.

Key Points to Remember

  • Multiple Correct Answers: Unlike traditional polls, participants can select multiple correct answers in a Multiple Choice interaction.

  • First Response Counts: Only the first response submitted by each participant will be considered for this interaction.

  • Prefix Control: The response prefix allows you to easily filter relevant answers from the chat.

  • Category Analysis: Use categories to gain deeper insights into the audience's responses.

Additional Tips

  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions to your audience on how to participate in the Multiple Choice interaction.

  • Concise Options: Keep the answer options concise and easy to understand.

  • Show correct answers: When the interaction is complete, let your audience know how they did.


  • Question: Which of the following are not renewable energy sources?

  • Options: (Prefix: "E")

    • E1: Solar Power

    • (X) E2: Coal

    • E3: Wind Power

    • (X) E4: Natural Gas

    • E5: Hydropower

    For this question, StreamAlive will pick up the first two correct answers!

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