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Google Meet
Updated over 2 months ago

This tutorial will show you how to connect StreamAlive to Google Meet. If you’d like to learn how to connect to other platforms, please refer to our other articles.

To run the interactions, StreamAlive must establish a connection to the meeting.

This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Using our Chrome Extension

  2. Using the StreamAlive bot to connect directly to your meeting

In this article we’ll explain the second point, using the StreamAlive bot. However, here’s the documentation if you’d like to explore using the StreamAlive Chrome Extension to connect to Google Meet

In both cases, the extension and the bot, the result is the same. Your audience comments are picked up and processed by StreamAlive to turn them into visual interactions on your screen.

This makes it easy for the audience to engage and also saves the presenter from having to explain how to use an off-platform app.

With that being said, let us dive into the steps of connecting the StreamAlive bot to your Google Meet session:

  1. Access the Sessions tab

    On the StreamAlive homepage, click on the Sessions tab on the left-side menu.

  2. Create a new session

    Once you’re on the Sessions page, you can view all your past sessions completed as well as the upcoming sessions which you can schedule by using the + Add session button on the top-right corner of the page.

    To proceed to the next step, let us schedule a meeting.

  3. Choose a platform

    A pop-up window will appear showing you the supported platforms. Click on Google Meet.

  4. Enter your meeting details. For this step:

    1. Add your meeting/session title - this is just for your future reference

    2. Enter the meeting link.
      If you need help finding the meeting link, please refer to our article on How do I find the Google Meet link

    3. Enter the date and time of the upcoming session. This is for your reference and to ensure the correct order of your live sessions in StreamAlive when you add additional sessions.

    4. Click on the Schedule Session button

  5. Add your presentation to the session (OPTIONAL)

    Your presentation contains your polls, word clouds, spinner wheels, and other interactions that are powered through StreamAlive using the chat.

    If you don't have a presentation prepared you can continue without one and use the quick interactions instead.

    If you want to use a presentation to plan your interactions and slides in advance, you can create a presentation by clicking on the + New presentation button on the bottom left corner of the pop-up.

    Now, once selected, click on Add session.

  6. Your session has been scheduled.

    When the time comes, find your scheduled session and click on Present

  7. A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to display an overlay asking your audience to type the answers in the chat.

    Typing in the chat to interact with a poll or word cloud is such a new experience for many audience members that they need a prompt or push to “put it in the chat”.

  8. The StreamAlive bot will join the session

    Once you've decided on the overlay, StreamAlive will open a new page called the Presentation LIVE screen with a window asking you to admit the bot into the session.

  9. Admit the StreamAlive bot to enter your meeting

    You’ll hear and see a notification letting you know that the StreamAlive bot is trying to access your meeting.

    If you don’t admit the bot then StreamAlive won’t be able to read the chat and your interactions will not work.

    If you don’t get a notification asking to admit the StreamAlive bot, try closing the StreamAlive presentation window and trying again.

    If the bot doesn’t enter your meeting or you don’t get the bot notification, refer to our troubleshooting documentation on steps to take to fix this.

  10. Share your screen

    Once the bot is in, use the Present Now option in Google Meet to share the StreamAlive live presentation screen with your audience. It’s just like sharing a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation.

  11. Ask your audience to type their answers in the chat

    When the interaction you created in your presentation is shown on the screen you can ask your audience to enter their answers in the chat.

  12. StreamAlive powers the interaction

    The StreamAlive bot will then take these responses and power the interaction.

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